Follow my blog with Bloglovin Are You a Model Parent? It’s very important for parents to model the behavior they want their children to choose. And I would imagine that you are very Responsible, Kind, Helpful, Honest, and Respectful. Cheerful is one of those qualities that all of us lose and gain. As you start […]
About Ana Seidel
Latest Posts by Ana Seidel

Do You Have Good Children? We all want our children to be good. But what does it mean to be “good”? You know what it is when you see it, but you have never learned how to teach it. A well-behaved child is a wondrous delight to be around. I was always amazed when […]

The Easy As Pie Parenting Method works because your children are no longer receiving punishments for negative behavior. Children learn that tasks to earn their Pieces back are really easy, so they willingly do them. Why? It works because your children are getting something pleasant and they aren’t spending all of their time to figure […]

I’d like to introduce you to a few words that I use with the Easy As Pie Parenting Method. Motivators A Motivator is anything that will inspire your child to get up and do something they don’t want to do at the moment. For today’s technologically advanced children, television and computer time is often […]

So now I felt discouraged and stuck. 1-2-3 Magic, Super Nanny, and Have a New Kid by Friday didn’t work for me. What was I supposed to do to get my children to respect me? I started researching different behavior philosophies, including work from the groundbreaking American behaviorist B. F. Skinner. I began to understand why my […]

Although, overall, our children were becoming more delightful, as they grew older, the unacceptable behavior was increasing, even though it occurred less often. After using 1-2-3 Magic and Super Nanny techniques and not feeling overly successful, I turned to Dr. Kevin Leman’s book, Have A New Kid By Friday. I love his premise of real world […]

Cory and I needed to focus more on positive behavior so we added the Star System—Children earn 1 to 5 stars for positive behaviors. We had a star chart at home and we wrote stars on their hands when our children earned them while we were away from home. 50 stars earned them a special […]

The television show and book, Super Nanny, introduced Cory and me to the concept of the Naughty Spot (time-out spot) and creating a consistent family schedule. This show gave us great perspective on our children because we realized that they were so much better behaved than the children featured on the show! The family schedule […]

Do temper tantrums anger or frustrate you? They used to make me feel like an inadequate mother. Starting with Justine’s first few temper tantrums 11 years ago—which I felt ill equipped to deal with—I started searching for and reading information to help me understand how to handle my children’s unwanted behaviors. My search led me to several books—the first being […]

My Mother loved parenting; it filled her cup with energy. At a time (late 1960’s) when parents believed that “children should be seen and not heard,” “spare the rod, spare the child, and break the will of the child,” she chose to parent completely differently. Everyone praised her because my brother and I were happy, […]
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