Is It Wrong To Be Alone On Mother’s Day?

by Ana Seidel on May 12, 2012

Is It Wrong To Be Alone-on-Mothers-Day“What would your perfect Mother’s Day look like?” my husband asked.

 I pondered for a moment, “Not one child would say—Mom?”

Does this mean I want to be alone? Yes and no.

I found this question on Facebook in the parenting circles, “Do you want to be alone for Mother’s Day?” Over 150 responses were as varied and colorful as Joseph’s Technicolor Dreamcoat. About 2/3rd of the moms want to be with their children—the rest want to spend the day with their own mother or alone. Both sides had very strong opinions.

A Day Off?

I thought I wanted to have a free day without my children, but after reading the responses, what I realized is that I want a day off of “parenting” four children. My days are a constant assembly line of rotating children. Each one starts with, “Mom, …” As soon as one child finishes their thought, there’s another one standing in line waiting for their turn to speak. And I willing listen—every day of the year—except for one. Mother’s Day.

I don’t want anyone tattling to me. I don’t want to help mediate one dispute. I don’t want to have to label behavior and move pie pieces. I don’t want to help my children earn their pie pieces back.

Some responders said that Mother’s Day is not about the mother—it’s about your children having the opportunity to express their love and gratitude for their mother. It’s about them.

So who’s right?

Both sides are. Do what feels right to you. No one else’s opinion really matters.

What’s important is doing what makes you happy—what will fill your cup? Most likely, if you are an introverted person, you will re-energize by being alone. If you’re an extrovert, you will re-energize by being around people—the more the merrier. Right?

For me, I’m happy to spend the day with my children if we’re playing. If they want to do something with me—I’m there. But if they want to go off and play—well I am too. I’ll do what I feel like doing.

I just want a day off of my normal “mom duties.” I would willingly relish a day of not shaping my children’s behavior so they grow into responsible and kind adults. I have 364 other days to do that.

So, yep, I deserve a day off because that’s what I want. And so do you—if that’s what you want.

Now, will it actually happen that way? … Well… that’s a whole different story.

What Do You Think?

How will you be spending Mother’s Day?


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Written by: Ana Seidel

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